
Everyone gets anxious at times, and coping with a health condition like cardiovascular disease can increase anxiety. Find out about the ways to deal with anxiety that can work.

Anxiety is a normal physical response

Anxiety describes our emotional (psychological) and physical feelings when we are scared or worried. It happens to everyone because it’s how our body copes: it’s called our “fight or flight” response.

This response is useful when we have to be alert and get through something, like a job interview. However, the scary feelings can stay longer, leaving us anxious and feeling uncomfortable.

Physical symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks

  • feeling sick or dizzy
  • rapid heartbeat or palpitations
  • headaches
  • pins and needles
  • sweating
  • difficulty breathing
  • chest pains
  • feeling like you’re outside your body

Any or all of these symptoms can occur with anxiety and may be short-lived or persist. If they become very intense then this may be due to a panic attack. During these episodes, people often feel that they are having a heart attack or might be going to die. This may happen more if you have a history of a physical health condition.

It is very important to get these symptoms checked out by a professional to exclude a physical cause but if you have the physical all clear then it is worth thinking about how they relate to any anxious feelings you might have.

Psychological symptoms of anxiety

  • feeling numb
  • feeling tense or nervous, as if something awful will happen
  • feeling restless or unable to focus because you’re thinking about too many things or one thing all the time

Everything might be going too fast or slow, or you may feel as if people are staring at you because you look scared.

When anxiety becomes a problem

If you feel anxious a lot or for a long time, you may:

  • have problems sleeping
  • get ill more often as your immune system is weaker
  • smoke, drink or take drugs to cope
  • lose interest in your hobbies and leisure activities
  • lose your sex drive
  • become withdrawn and have difficulty leaving the house, communicating and maintaining relationships
  • holding a job

If your feelings of anxiety become very strong or last for a long time, tell your healthcare team because they can offer help. 

Managing your anxiety

Facing up to how you feel is the first step to breaking the cycle of anxiety and you could also try:

  • breathing exercises to calm you (see the NHS’s breathing exercises for stress)
  • shifting your focus onto things that make you feel better
  • listening to music or dancing
  • moving more through exercise like running, cycling or swimming
  • therapies like yoga, meditation, aromatherapy or massage
  • talking to someone you trust about what's making you anxious
  • joining a support group to share your worries

What treatment can I get for anxiety?

Common treatments for anxiety and panic attacks or disorders are talking therapies and/or medication.

You can speak with a trained mental health professional who will talk to you about your anxiety and offer ways to help. This is called NHS psychological therapies service. You can access a range of talking therapies from the NHS such as:

  • Guided self-help – where a therapist coaches you as you work through a self-help course in your own time, either using a workbook or an online course.
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) – based on the idea that thoughts, feelings, what we do, and how our bodies feel physically, are all connected. CBT works to help us notice and challenge patterns of thoughts or behaviours so we can feel better. 

You can either self-refer or speak to your GP who can refer you.

Your healthcare team can also advise you on different medications available to treat anxiety.

Always ask your healthcare team about different treatment options.

Alternative counselling and support is available through voluntary sector providers such as those listed in the resource section. It is also available privately (on a non NHS paying or low cost basis) and an accredited counsellor can be found through the BACP directory.

Taking care of your mental health is easier when you can connect. Help us to help you